Home Social Media Marketing Top 5 Skills Of A Great Content Writer

Top 5 Skills Of A Great Content Writer

by Caren Waugh

Hiring good content writers should be a part of every company’s marketing strategy if they plan to operate successful businesses both on and offline.

Few weeks ago we learned that Content is King, as a result great care should be taken when deciding to hire content writers if organizations want to elevate their businesses into the spotlight.

The competition is very fierce in the digital marketing environment and businesses that hire content writers who possess the ability to write compelling messages and stories are the ones that attract potential customers to their social media platforms and websites, while keeping their long standing customers coming back because they find the content inspiring and useful.

As a writer, understanding the use of grammar or how to put words on paper is not enough to produce compelling content that will create audience engagement or maximize return on investment (RIO).

A professional content writer must craft effective content with the direct aim and purpose to engage the target audience in order to achieve the company’s marketing goals.

There are certain important qualities that a content writer must have in order to master content writing in today’s digital media environment where the stakes are very high.

Today we will share 5 important qualities that a great content writer must possess.

Research Ability

Research is the ability to search for, locate, extract, organize, evaluate and use or produce information that is relevant to a particular topic or audience. A good content writer must be able to conduct effective research in order to produce information that provides valuable knowledge to its target audience that will not only generate interest in the product or service but also provides the solution to the problem that customers want to solve.

Research proficiency includes multi-platform content writing which is very important in the social media environment. Understanding social media trends, audience engagement, and the use of analytics and reporting tools will provide content writers with the skills to craft relevant and compelling content that will reach their specific target audience based on the  network they use or by demographic. 

For example, writing content for LinkedIn would be different from the type of content created for Instagram.  LinkedIn is primarily geared towards business-oriented professionals, hence writing content for this platform would target business to business (B2B) brands, while content for Instagram would target millennials and influencers who socialize in that space.

A well-researched content writer will know where to locate credible information sources, research tools and how to use them to produce effective content that will keep consumers engaged and optimize traffic to your social media platform or website.

Knowledge Of Audience

Content writing is a not a one-size-fits-all approach. Similar to knowing where your audience hang out in order to reach them, knowing the type of information they are interested in is also of paramount importance. Having this knowledge will enable the writer to create content that will appeal to the consumers’ interests and solve their problems. Once readers find the content useful they will share the information and this will build your audience and drive traffic to your website. Ultimately, these visitors will convert to leads and become interested in your product or service as you have earned their trust and established yourself as an expert in your sphere.

Communication is a two-way process, conducting audience analysis to understand your audience’s interests and having the ability to align content to appeal to their interests is an excellent skill for an effective content writer to have.

Knowledge Of Social Media Platforms

The advent of digital technologies has seen the continuous evolution of social media networking sites. Each network has its own rules, practices and audience based on demographic differences. A good content writer must understand the different social media platforms in an effort to produce content based on best practices, demands, and constant changes of social media networking sites.

Producing content without the knowledge of how each network operates or the audience they cater to is a fruitless exercise. When hiring a content writer be sure to test the knowledge-base of the individual as it relates to their understanding of social media networks.  This can be achieved by reviewing the writer’s past work for a demonstrable degree of skills and experience. 

Social media marketing is no longer an option but it is an integral part of any marketing strategy in this era. Once a content writer masters this skill he or she is poised to craft content that not only meet the demands of the networks, but more importantly reach your target audience and satisfy  their information appetite . 


Writing content that provides information to consumers is import but not enough in this dynamic social media environment. Content writers are responsible for ensuring that the copy has a consistent look, tone, voice, and feel across platforms. This is where creativity skills come into play. An effective content writer must possess this skill in order to create concise, compelling and insightful social media posts, or long form copy such as blog posts, product reviews and landing pages while incorporating the use of relevant key words.  Similar to other skills, creativity evolves over time with consistent practice.


Adaptability is a critical skill that content writers must have even though it is often ignored. Possessing great communication skills including being a good writer elevates ones’ reputation, but not being able to adapt different writing styles and skills to fit various scenarios can actually reduce a writer’s reputation. 

Writing is established on consistent theories and concepts but in the current digital environment things are constantly changing, including the rapid evolution of social media networks which influence the frequent changes in consumer tastes and demands.

Being a great writer is not a stroll in the park. Writing can be a very daunting task and keeping abreast of emerging patterns and technological changes which often impact demographic and marketing goals is even more challenging. Content writers must be versatile in how they utilize their writing skills to create content to align with the constant changes of social media networks and consumer demands


Content writing is a great skill to have but a good content writer must also be a persuasive storyteller in order to write words that sell.  Consumers make purchases from brands they know, like and trust. People know about a particular brand by hearing stories about it. Based on the story a consumer will decide whether or not to purchase from that brand.

To be an effective content writer especially in the current social media landscape requires all five skills highlighted here.  If content writers do not possess these skills or fall short on any of them, it will result in the publishing of poor quality content which readers will find uninspiring and useless. Consumers will seize visiting your platform or website which will severely impact the reputation of your brand and also that of the writer.

The good news is that your content does not have to suffer because the internet provides a wealth of information and tools that will help content writers to develop these skills and evolve along with the ever changing wave of social media networks.

It must be emphasized that it takes a professional and experienced content writer to craft compelling messages that sells in order to elevate your business and yield your desired return on investment(RIO). If you do not possess the expertise of a good content writer make sure hiring one is of highest priority or you will be left behind in this digital marketing environment.

Pay to get it right!


For more information on how to grow your small business on social media please leave comments below.


Caren Waugh is the CEO of CW Media Consultants, a proven communications and social media strategist, blogger, and print media contributor who helps small businesses to create brand awareness, strengthen customer relations, and shape their online marketing endeavors with winning social media strategies.

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